“Blue-Green algae are sensitizing us to what we're doing to our lakes”

“Gatineau Park beach to stay closed due to blue-green algae”

“Northeast warned of discovery of algae in Vermont river”

“Non-toxic algae bloom continues along Collier beaches”

“Officials warn of algae blooms near Muskegon lakes”

“Uganda: Says $11 Billion Needed to Treat Green Water”

“Vt., NH steps up efforts against invasive river algae”

“Algae poses a threat to New York waters”

“Invasive Algae Found in New Waterway”

“Algae Found at 2 local Beaches”

“Algae Threatens Lake”

Headline such as these below are being published daily worldwide.

Mother Nature is trying

to tell us something,

Emission Science is listening!

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